
Banner day for clay

Yesterday "Clay's World" got a small face-life with the release of my new banner. It was indeed a banner day for "Clay's World." But I must give a shout out to my good friend, Brendan Ringer, who did the dirty work. Brendan is the graphics guru who has helped me freshen up the look and feel of Clay's World. Without his help, I'd be wood (as we used to say in wrestling room).

And the banner gives a bit of the picture of the good life that God has given to me. The shot is taken at Lido Beach down in Sarasota, Florida...my family's favorite getaway. I am digging a big hole with my two boys and the shot is taken from my wife's viewpoint as she takes a break from sun bathing. When I think of rest and relaxation of time away from stress and time to recharge, this is the place I think of.

You know it reminds me of Psalm 23, where David writes, "The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need. 2 He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. 3 He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name."

It is not just laying on the beach with my family that refreshes my soul...it is knowing that God has made the beach and invited me to enjoy it and enjoy him through it. The beach and the sun and the sand are my green meadows. The salty air that lifts the seagulls from the ground is his breath that sustains my very life. Many times he has renewed my strenght at Lido Beach as I dig with my boys and smile at my wife.

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