
I'm flattered

Kevin Carroll is my hero.

This has absolutely nothing to do with fact that he highlighted my blog on his blog, today. See the evidence here.

I am flattered, excited and giddy that Kevin saw my post on him and found it worth sharing with others.

I am planning on getting his book, Rules of the Red Rubber Ball, and reading it myself this Christmas (seriously). I'd suggest you do the same and get one for someone else you know, whom you want to encourage to live playfully.


Anonymous said...

How Cool is that!!
Swimming with the big fish-
Shawn Mcdonald (Blue Cheese line)

Anonymous said...

Something special about getting noticed! Now if I could just get Lucado to spot mine somehow....

clayburkle said...

the blue cheese line is a high school reference. i have fond memories.

since posting i have received the booking and am enjoying its creativity and dream launching questions. it's no so much a read as a creative launch pad.