
What do you fear?

From time to time I face fear… which in my life often stems uncertainty or doubt about the outcome of a certain situation. Fear keeps me from sleeping at night and from focusing during the day. It can be a horrible cloud that engulfs my entire world. Can anyone identify?

So how can we get out this fear funk… and where does this ugly beast come from. Well here are 3 things to consider.

A quote from David Powlison: (in Reinterpreting Life) “Sinful fears are inverted cravings. If I want to avoid something at all costs - loss of reputation, loss of control, poverty, ill health, rejection, etc. – I am ruled by lustful fear.”

This tells me that often fear that leads to worry or anxiety is at its heart sinful and therefore not necessary for a Christian. Which leads me to 2 thoughts on how I’m trying to kill fear in my life:

Trust in God’s Presence: I need to realize that God is right here with me in this situation, and therefore why should I fear a person or situation which is smaller than Him. I’ve been encouraged by the story of Joseph (Gen 37-50) where we constantly reminded that whether David was in the pit or in the palace that “the Lord was with him”.

“When I am afraid,
I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise,
in God I trust.
I shall not be afraid,
what can flesh do to me.”
Psalm 56:34

When I realize that God is with me in the situation… it turns my focus ON Him and OFF the scariness of the uncertainty and doubt.

Trust in God’s Provision: I also need to realize that God will provide all of my needs… maybe not my wants, but my needs. As a good Father, he wants the best for me and when I put my trust in his provision he reduces my fear.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD,
and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh
and refreshment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:5-8

I can get almost physically sick with fear… uncertainty… doubt… anxiety… worry. But if I can truly trust in God’s provision… with all my heart… even when I don’t understand. He can deliver me from fear and fearful feelings. He can. I’m just taking him at his word. Peace in fearful situations is a battle for me… I’ll be honest. But I’m fighting it with trusting more in God’s presence and God’s provision.

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