
Just Wonderin'

If you win and others lose, have you really won?

If you give a complement, do you have less of something?

... just wonderin'


Anonymous said...

For there to be a winner there needs to be at least one loser but in the end, we're all participants, at least that is how our kids are being raised today. Kind of socialist competition. No one wins and no one loses but we all played the game.

clayburkle said...

Anonymous... You win... and you're anonymous... you double win.

I love winning... and often do... but find that winning/losing breaks down sometimes.

Consider a marriage or a family where Dad's ideas always win. What has dad really won?

Consider a business team of peers where Richard's ideas always win. How does his winning affect the team.

Have we learned nothing from the show "Survivor"? The guys who win all the challenges never win the big money... because deep down we have something against winners.

I guess I'm content to be a loser.

clayburkle said...

Anonymous... Sorry if my initial "reaction" was a bit sharp. I actually want people to comment freely and do not want to discourage comments at all.

I figured out my issue... I don't like Anonymous comments... it feeds my flesh. So I'm removing my stumbling block and have removed the ability to comment anonymously. Happy future commenting.