
Mortality is Relevant

I received my Nov/Dec issue of Relevant Magazine on Tuesday and poured through it that night on the couch. It is very cool (which I am not) and is full of music reviews (most of which I've never heard of) but I love the angle. Generally Relevant attempts to push practical theological issues that will resonate with young single adults. And it appears that this new generation is much more contemplative than I ever was when I was stumbling through college and into real life. I guess I'm trying to make up for lost time these days.

In the FIRST WORD, Cameron Strang, was contemplating the Big M - mortality. And posing the question what if today were your last... what would you do. He says,

"We're here only for a short time. We each need to make a difference and have lives of importance and passion. We need to live today like its' our last - with no regrets - because, after all, none of us is guaranteed tomorrow."

So if I had 24 hours to live here is what I would do:
1. Spend the whole time with my wife and kids.
2. Give all my stuff away to people who needed it.
3. Tell some close neighbors, friends and family members about Jesus, clearly, compassionately and for the last time.

And here are a few things I wouldn't do:
1. Workout (unless it was with my wife & kids)
2. Watch TV


Anonymous said...

Oh to have been more comtemplative in college.... Probably would have been less Beastie Boys, Public Enemy and Van Halen and more Studying, going to class and growing in my faith. I am going to check out that magazine. Anything to be more hip...

clayburkle said...

You've gotta fight for your right to Party!