
Family Fridays

One of the biggest sacrifices I feel that I face in full time ministry is that the church experience on Sunday is not a family thing. I get up early and leave my family behind to head off to church where I spend about 5 hours every Sunday. My lovely wife is left to get herself and 2 kids fed, dressed, to church and then home again... every Sunday of the year.

So in minor compensation Friday is Family Day for the Burkles. I am becoming quite religious about this. You can't meet with me. I don't do breakfasts or counseling or staff meetings. And I rarely do things for me. It is a day we pack up the kids and do stuff together. Sometimes its the zoo, or the park, or even pajama day at home. The rules for Family Day are quite simple... the only rule is that we do it as a family.

This past Friday it was dropping the car off for some repairs, then a trip to Polaris for some fun in the animal playland, a walk through the Disney store and lunch at Max & Erma's. We were all there, but I am highlighting our often overlooked second child, Griffin... in my photo review.

It is a simple thing, really. And one that is pure fun. Who wouldn't kill for one day a week with no agenda other than having fun with family. And I've got that something that others would kill for. I often would rather trade a few of those days for some Family Sundays. But for now, I am extremely happy for this simple Burkle tradition.


Walls Down Church Kids said...

That is awesome! I have definitely seen how busy pastors can be ,and time with family needs to be a priority. One of our pastors also does a weekly "date night" with his wife, without kids...I think it's great!!!

I try to spend individual time with each of my 3 boys, which isn't always easy as a single mom and busy schedules, but is something that is treasured

clayburkle said...

we are better with family time that with date-night. we do date, but need to be more regular. thanks for the encouragement.