
Questions for Dummies

I had breakfast with guy in our church today. I knew a little about him but that was it. I guess the reason for us to get together was to get to know each other better. To me that is a challenge... to try to figure someone out. Not in the sense that I have some power over the person by putting them in a certain category... but I just like to figure out people's story.

Sometimes I'm not very patient and just blurt out... so Jim-bob what is your story. Let me tell that is a great way to start a conversation. Almost as good as... I'm a pastor, what do you do? Ok back to my point. I enjoy finding out where people have come from, who has influenced them and how they see the world. And my favorite way to do that is to pepper people with questions at the local Panera or Starbucks.

So this morning Tom and I sat at the local Panera for an hour and a half picking at our bagels and refilling our bottomless coffees. As we talked I worked in a couple of my favorite questions, that in my mind tell me alot about where someone is right now. Here they are:

What are you reading?
Who are you podcasting?

What (music) is on your iPod?

What do you do in your free time?

I'll invite you to the table and share my answers.

What are you reading?
The 360 Degree Leader by John Maxwell
Desiring God by John Piper
Since Nobody's Perfect... How Good is Good Enough by Andy Stanley
Orbiting the Giant Hairball by Gordon MacKenzie

Who are you podcasting?
John Piper

What (music) is on your iPod?
Chris Daughtry, Daughtry
Robbie Seay Band, Better Days
Damien Rice, 9
Matt Redman, Facedown

What do you do in your free time?
run once every 3 months
watch too much TV

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