
Sin is so Fun!

Don't tell me that you haven't thought that, felt that or even (gulp) said that. That's because the road from "hating sin" to "loving it" is really not that far. It happens when our thinking becomes muddy. There are certainly times when every cell in our body is pulsing with longing for the buzz of a few extra Margaritas or the high of passing along the latest news about someone's personal life. How about getting away with going 65 in a 35 zone or getting too much change back at the quickie mart. We fool our boss about the number of hours we actually put in at work or how we actually spent those dollars on our expense report. The real joy is that no one will ever be able to find out about our thoughts, how ever self-agrandizing or perverse they may be. And in quite a short time we are having fun at sin.

That is where I find myself from time to time... So I was stopped short by a comment offered by Tom Wright in his commentary on a Colossians 1:21-23 where he says,

"Don't be fobbed off with the idea that 'sin' or 'wickedness' means 'having a good time when God wants you to have a rotten time.' That's a typical example of the muddled thinking that people get into when they ignore or forget the true God."

How forgetful we are sometimes! The truth about sin is that it alienates us and expresses hostility towards God. Sin leaves us dead in our transgressions . God's desire to deliver us from the penalty of sin, through Christ, and the power of sin, through the holy spirit is to free us up for a more wonderfully enriching life. Sin might be pleasing for a period of time, but it does not bring satisfaction to the soul. The fun-ness of sin wears off and leaves us with guilt, emptiness and purposelessness. Real life is an existence rooted in Christ.


Anonymous said...

Hello, I am Tangee, a friend of Christy Murray's. I have been checking this blog site since you left for Russia. I am truly comforted to know that being a Christian doesn't mean you can't have fun.

Too often outsiders don't realize, Christians laugh and joke and have fun too; we just do it in a clean fashion.

I just had to add my two cents. Thanks for the truth about Christians having so much fun.

clayburkle said...

Hey Tangee, Not only do we have fun, that is the experience of happy feelings...but it goes deeper right?

We have peace in the midst of tumultuous situations (Phil 4:7). We have joy in the midst of suffering (James 1:2). And on top of it those things have replaced a guilt that we carried in our souls (Rom 8:1).

Now that is something to be happy about!