
It's a Heart Issue

I came across a chapter for a book on discipleship entitled "How I Learned to Disciple a Transexual." I think the author, Robert Thune, has done such a good job of putting into words something that really resonates with my soul. It a gospel-centeredness that blurs the lines between evangelism and discipleship. It is a more wholistic view of what the gospel is, what it does and even who it is for. And Robert wraps it up into a compelling story that is still not finished.

I love his nutshell of the gospel... Cheer up: you're worse than you think. But cheer up: God's grace is greater than you ever dreamed. He challenges our tendency towards "behavior-modification" evangelism by clarifying that the real issue is the heart. The gospel works from the inside out right. So spiritual maturity is better reflected not in visible effects (tithes, bible studies, good works) but in the affections of the heart (our longings and treasures).

He mentions, We forget that the gospel doesn't just change eternal destinies; it changes everything. I guess the longer I am Christian I realize that I am much worse than I think. So whether you are discipling a Transexual or trying to really understand what the gospel is I commend his 7 page chapter to you. Thanks to a29 for making it available!

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