
Feliz Cumpleanos at Ti

Caden turns 4 today. Christine took him to Casa Fiesta for lunch and prepped him that the song would be a bit different. But don't you know that they whipped out their best Spanglish version of "Happy Birthday". I was very disappointed.

Caden is very happy to be 4... but it is not quite 6 (that is when he is old enough to get the Buzz Lightyear "shooty thing" at Walmart). This will be a big year for him... he will become a big brother again. I think he is up for the challenge.

He's already working on his obedience. After breakfast, I said "let's wash your hands." He popped right up (not normal) and ran to the sink and said "that's what a 4 year old does... he listens right away" With much power comes much responsibility. There must be more power in turning 4 than I had anticipated.

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