
Til Death Do Us Part

I attended a wedding today. Steve and Christy met in my ministry at church. They make a perfect couple. They just seem to fit together. So today was a fun day to celebrate with them the beginning of a new stage of life for both of them.

I love weddings. It such a time of joy and happiness. Everyone is on best behavior and showers the bride and groom with love and encouragement. That is the way it should be. As we sat at the reception, the married gals shared fond memories of their own wedding day. It was as if each girl wanted to relive that day over and over again.

What I love about weddings is the hope that abounds. According to the Bible the marriage relationships is a picture of God's relationship with us (the Church). And that we are like a pure, virgin bride who will one day stand face-to-face with our groom, the Lord himself. And at each wedding the couple's hope that their relationship will reach its highest potential is almost tangible. Their dreams for each other are ripe and possible.

Life is hard. Relationships are hard. Romance fades. Hurts pile up. And dreams often give way to reality. But a wedding is picture of fresh starts. Tonight the two will become one and the journey begins. May their hopes and dreams never be dismissed by hurt or resentment.

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