
Now that's out of the box!

There is a new church on the block in Columbus or should I say in the cinema... and it is appropriately called BOX. I spotted one of their billboards as I was driving around town and I was so intrigued that I jumped on their web-site. The site is clean, simple and so mysterious that it is hard to figure out which box to put these guys in. Maybe thats the point.

After a bit of poking around I found out that this new venture is led by a successful artist. Woah... can you be a Christian and an artist? My spider sense is going crazy folks. Well this crazy artist, Darrin Hoover is also the star of a TV show called POP which is like Bob Ross meets Saturday Night Live. But Darrin has a better head of hair.

Only time will tell whether this is new wineskins for a cross-centered gospel or it is just another passing fad of the XXI century church. I'm watching and praying.

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