
Costly Mistakes

Have you ever made a costly mistake? I just made one yesterday and I'm still trying to figure out how to get over it. I lost my iPOD Video....that is the short of it. You see I went on a long run and my lovely wife was going to pick me up at my final destination...quite nice of her. And when she picked me up I made a fatal mistake, I took off the iPOD and put it on the roof of the car. A simple act, but that was the mistake. After I did that I got a drink of water, cooled down a bit and then loaded into the cars (sans iPOD). It wasn't until last night that I realized my blunder. I had never retrieved my traveling jutebox from the rooftop. So last night at 10:30 pm I grabbed a flashlight and headed out to the scene of the crime. I found nothing...and now someone is probably joyfully loading their favorite videos onto my iPOD.

How we respond in these situations is quite revealing. I'm a blamer. I figured out some way to blame my wife for not reminding me to grab the gadget. I even wondered, God why have you allowed this injustice to happen to me. But as passing time cools my thoughts I realize that no one is to blame but me. I make decisions, I make choices and I make mistakes...and I have to live with the results. It's quite simple. I'd love to get my video iPOD back, but if I not...it's void will be a silent reminder of my costly mistake.

1 comment:

clayburkle said...

So you are the guy I should thank for that $60 (just kidding). I wonder if your blunder was someones answer to prayer, maybe mine too.

MARGIN. We need some space in our lives don't we? Maybe that is why the Lord gave Israel the gift of Sabbath... a regular time to unplug from life and reconnect with him. If misery loves company, your story is ointment for my soul.