

The colors dance before me as I glided down the road. On this side a cloud of rich crimson red waves in the afternoon soon. Just down the way a punchy orange stands under the protection of some splendid evergreens. Across the street some pale yellow playfully tickles some light green limbs which reach out into the breeze. And as time slows for this moment, I see it. I see amazing beauty. When I can see beyond the picket fences and the stone chimneys laid in geometric symmetry I see the organic, natural beauty of creation. The vivid colors invite me to look again and again. I look for patterns and rhythm and continuity. I see creativity and ingenuity and power. It's right there in front of me. What has been hidden during the heat of summer days is not revealed during the crispness of fall. Surely beauty has a source greater than the small minds of men can conjure up. The tapestry of tall trees, ice covered mountains and deep oceans spill forth a creative story. It is inexcusable...It is right there. Wow, what beauty. Thank you God for revealing your beauty and breathing your creative life into this place.

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