
A leader worth following

Can you imagine packing up all your belongings your wife and two kids and driving to the Pacific ocean to start a church... from nothing. That might be the short version of the story but that is exactly what a seminary friend of mine, Paul Fleming has done. Talk about adventure... talk about walking by faith... talk about courage. That is why I wanted to introduce you to Paul, because he is such an encouragement to me. He is driven, he has amazing skills and work ethic and a deep faith that this is God's work.

I would encourage you to keep your eye on his ministry (Westport Church) as they try gather a church in one of the largest non-christian populations in the country....Hillsboro, Oregon. Check out some of the creative things he's been doing as they are just getting started:

  • School System: The facilities director in our school system has agreed to talk with us about how Westport can serve our local schools.
  • Chamber of Commerce: We have been welcomed by our city leaders, and receive regular invitations to local community events.
  • Business Breakfast: Each month we join business leaders around the city for breakfast, hosted by a local Christian businessman.
  • Intel: We've been meeting each week on the campus of Intel to discuss The Davinci Code with employees.
  • Local Advertising: We secured advertising space in the city's local maps. 10,000 maps were printed for distribution to new move ins. We're excited that the name of Jesus Christ is being exalted in our city's promotional materials.

Pray for Paul & his family as they introduce their community to Jesus Christ.

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