
A visit from across the pond

That may look like America's cutest couple, but it's not. That is Peep (pronounce Pape) & Anna Saar from Estonia. They visited our Homegroup on Tuesday to share about what God is up to in their country. They are part of an Estonian mission called Going UP which is reaching thousands of teens and 20somethings with the message of Christ. And these are certainly not your mommy & daddy's style of missionaries. The dress cool, they look good, they love authentic worship, they have fun, they use engaging technology... and they are enticing thousands of people to consider the claims of Jesus. Astounding in a country which regularly ranks as one of the most secular societies in the world.

How do they do it? When I listened to Peep I was struck by two things: his big god-size vision for reaching his country for Christ and his honest sense of humility about being apart of this work of God. It appears to be all about Him (that is God) and not so much about them. How refreshing and encouraging it was to see such vision and to catch a glimpse of what God is doing. A group from our church will go over to help them run an English Camp March 16-26, 2006. Save your vacation days and join the trip.

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