
Are you a future leader of the church?

I was recently listening to Erwin McManus on the Catalyst podcast and was blown away by some of the simply profound things that came out of his mouth. Most of us think we are leaders, even if we aren't... but the leaders that will the take the church through these days and into the future appear to be of an entirely different breed. If your interest is peeked, you won't be disappointed by listening to the entire podcast episode, but here is Erwin's snapshot of the DNA of a future leader of the church:

>...leaders who like complexity…
>... great minds and incredibly inventive people…
>... people who are not as interested in being rewarded by the institution as they are by genuinely being effective and engaging the world.
>... everyone of us wants affirmation by those who came before us…but the future of the church is gonna be created by those who are not controlled by the affirmation of those who came before us.

It sounds like linear, formulaic, institutional, emotionally needy people need not apply. So are you?

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