
Church Soundbites

I once heard a popular speaker say that there is only one basic rule in the Bible about how you have to do church... have elders.

Hmmm. Seems abit minimalistic... but if elders are properly doing their eldering according Scripture, they could pretty much keep everything on track.

I also heard another popular speaker share something an African pastor once said to him. If the church is no longer helping those in need, is it still the church?

I've been around a number of churches that have never even thought about that question.

1 comment:

Walls Down Church Kids said...

very true about elders. I'm at the thought point about getting more involved with being an "elder" (although I would choose a different name) to 18/19 through young 30 year olds. Elders need to share wisdom and experience not with a "this is how it is" attitude, but an accepting and guiding one.

I would love to hear about any outreach you are doing to reach the unsaved/unchurched. Am beginning to connect and would love more ideas!!