
I Feel Great

I had a bad day yesterday. I woke at 2:15 AM and felt like someone had kicked me in the gut. The feeling grew for about 10 minutes until I expelled the previous evenings dinner into the toilet. After a few hours I awoke with the same feeling and repeated steps 2 and 3.

Then for the rest of the day I just felt like crud. I was sore and achey. I managed to drink a cup of gatorade and swallow a few bowls of jello. It was just the 24 hour flu. And this morning at exactly 2:30AM I woke up and thought... ahh I feel normal again.

Sometimes it takes a rough day to make you appreciate a good day. It is great to just feel normal! Can I get a witness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or in my case about three weeks ago 4 days of that fun to appreciate one good day:) Glad to hear you're feeling better.