
caution grumpy

I walked in on Monday morning to an email with the title "Caution Grumpy". I was taken back abit by someone who had the audacity to send me an email with such a title... but to my relief it was just spam.

But it got me thinking about some of the things that make me grumpy:
... no clean undershirts in the morning,
... when the sink gets clogged,
... my son dropping his full cup of chocolate milk, in the morning
... my song poking me in the face at 6:30 am asking for "donuts for breakfast"

I'm generally a nice guy... but in the morning... the fewer bumps in the road the better.

1 comment:

John DeMarco said...

I feel you brother. Mornings are not the time to be screwing around. I'd like to add these annoyances to the list,

brothers fighting with each other,

using loud voices

complaining about the cereal I chose for them

These are not major problems (like using drugs), but they don't make it any easier in the morning.