
All You Need Is Love?

"….knowledge puffs up, but love builds up." 1 Cor 8:1

Doctrine divides, just love others like Jesus. Theology is cold and impersonal, but my faith is simple. I’ve often heard this verse used to support less focus on teaching and more focus on loving others. Would such an idea really be passed on by a guy who challenged his understudy to “preach the word” (2 Tim 4:2) or who encouraged a fellow church leader with “teach sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1)? I’m not trying to grind the axe that everyone needs a seminary degree, what I’m asking is what is Paul really driving at here?

What is puffed up? The picture is a balloon getting inflated or puffed up by air. Some people because of a certain degree of spiritual insight think themselves bigger or better than they are. They are prideful or arrogant. Is this talking about just any knowledge? NO…it is the realization that meat sacrificed to idols is fair game for eating because idols are nothing but man-made toys (1 Cor 8:4), even if some take them seriously.

The rub in Corinth was not that this knowledge was bad, but that not all possessed this knowledge (8:7). So you are dealing with the haves and the have-nots. The have-nots would see a fellow Christian eating meat to idols and would get wigged out because they used to do the same thing as part of their former idol worshipping days. As a result they would become conflicted about their new life in Christ and might stumble back into idolatry or at least would lose some serious sleep over it. And to cause such a stumble is a sin against that brother and against Christ (8:12).

The knowledgeable Christians had a right to eat meat (8:9). But if they did so in the wrong setting it becomes arrogant and prideful not loving. It then doesn’t build up the church, it tears it down. Paul could have discounted knowledge, but instead he affirmed it (8:4-6). His point is not less knowledge, but knowledge without love is sin.

The point can’t be love without knowledge… that is irresponsible.
It is certainly not knowledge without love… that is arrogance.
It must be knowledge with love… that is enriching.

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