
Big Hairy Monsters

What will happen when Jesus Returns? That was the question we were tackling on Tuesday night. I was personally excited to walk through the biblical-timeline of glorious appearing of our blessed hope. I was sure that a greater understanding of Pre-Tribulation Rapture and Pre-Millenial Return of Christ would be an exciting topic and would foster greater evangelistic zeal within our group.

Then yesterday I spotted it. Someone had left their notes behind from the lecture. I glided over and proudly picked it up to see how well received the topic was. I secretly hoped that they had written their name on the top, so that I could return these valuable notes to them.

And this is what I picked up. I guess I held the attention of this guy (or gal) for the first 10 minutes, then they proceeded to draw big hairy monsters as I waxed eloquent on the finer details of the rapture and millenium. It does look like someone has some artistic promise. I feel it only right to return such fine drawings to their rightful owner and I hope to recruit this individual to our new cartoon drawing ministry. Please come forward to receive your prize and our admiration.

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