

December 23, 2007 was a special day for our family. On the near Eve of Christmas... our beautiful daughter, Arley Christine, was dedicated along with her new friend Eliana Homoelle. I would say that we've got a few heart-breakers on our hands. Both dads have guns loaded and chastity belts ready.

We were surrounded by members of our house church for the special night. These were the people that prayed with us while I looked for a job. These were the people that fed us when we returned from the hospital. And now they are committed to walking through life with us as we "romance Arley to the gospel" (nice phrase Chris H.). They have loved us like Christ loves the church... it is beautiful and quite humbling.

Talk about a Merry Christmas! Thanks for the special night Denny!


mconners said...

Congratulations, Clay.

It's a different world having a daughter after two boys.

I did note your comment about having a rifle ready, and in the interest of both Arley's and the neighbors safety I suggest a shotgun instead. Less penetration in the event of a missed shot and it's got that special sound as the shell gets racked that sends unwanted suitors packing.

Me? I've got 3 girls, so I'm more interested in a semi-auto shotgun.

I also recommend a read through Dr. Meg Meeker's "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters".

clayburkle said...

Thanks Michael... two good suggestions. Interesting on that title of the book. We pray for a strong daughter (just like her mother). We describe Arley as our "warrior-princess". We want her to fight good fights and be strong like a door... but also be tender-hearted and soft like a princess. I think I'll check it out.