
Here's your sign

Have you ever wanted... or even needed... a sign from God? I have. But I'm pretty skeptical about signs... and the people that are always waiting on them. There are so many ways that we try to get direction for life's decisions: we ask friends, interpret dreams, pray, listen to pastors, seek out counselors... and then there are those crazy, church signs.

Don't tell me you haven't been driving down the road... and then you come across that church sign... and suddenly your path in life becomes crystal clear. Hey... God works in mysterious ways.

So Christine and I were traveling down 23 this past weekend to visit friends in Huntington, WV... home to the thundering herd of Marshall University. And we were talking about life... where we find ourselves... where we've been.... and where we think we may be heading. For us this has been a regular conversation for awhile.

So at one point in our conversation I say to Christine... "I can't believe that God has taken us all this way, for me to be doing what I am doing right now." And then we fade into silence for the next few minutes... until I see this church sign. It reads... actually God has bigger plans for you. I'm not kidding. It was really weird... because I think that is what we'd been silently wondering ever since I'd asked the question.

So now I'm off... to bigger plans and better things... because I've got my sign.


Shelly said...

I love when God does that - gives us a 'sign' that cannot be explained by mere coincidence. How sweet of Jesus to remind you His plan is so much more than you could even dream!

clayburkle said...

I agree Shelly. Thanks for the encouragment.