
Meet Small Group #7

Part of the camp schedule included small group meetings. There were 6 Large Group meetings where we all gathered for skits, games, fun and my talks. Directly after that the large group broke downg into small groups of about 5-6 students with two leaders. All groups had one American leader and one Estonian Christian leader...except for mine. In my group it was just Erin Megerle and I...no Estonian Christians. Erin did and amazing job connecting with the girls, but there were times when the conversation fell into Estonain and we were both in the dark, feeling a bit left out.

In our group of 5 Estonian students none were Christians. I would like to introduce you to our group, Lucky 7.

Martin is not pictured. He is 21 years old and is a high functioning mentally handicapped student. He came to all of our groups but did not participate. He was not a distraction, but did provide a laughs to break the tension of the group.

Eric: The only other guy in the group. He is a tall, blond, athletic and intelligent kid. He and I became pretty close. In fact Eric and I ate most meals together and shared free time doing things like soccer, basketball and sauna. He has traveled to many European countries and had the best English of the group. He was definitely the most talkative. He is a part of the Going UP drama group and currently is attending Craig Hamer's Home Group. And while he does know Christians and about Christianity, he is a self-proclaimed non-Christian. He is not antagonistic to Christianity, but to say one is a Christian is a big thing and he has not decided that Christianity is for him. Eric shared openly that English Camp was one of the best weeks of his life.

Triin: She is the dark haired girl sitting next to Eric. A sweet but shy girl who struggled the most to communicate in English. She is involved in Craig's Home Group, but is not a Christian. She wants to believe in God, but is struggling with what she says are scientific proofs that God does not exist.

Kristel: She is sitting between Erin and I. She was talkative at points and quiet at others. All-in-all she was seriously thinking about the topics we discussed. She is not a Christian and also shared that while she wants to believe in God she thinks that science is against God. She shared that sometimes she has these spiritual yearnings deep within her that make her think that God is real. She bought a bible a week ago and wants to read it.

Riin: She is sitting in front of me. She had a great head on her shoulders and shared regularly about discussion topics. She was a real joy to have in our group and shared well thought out answers to all questions posed. She was a very sweet girl and shared that she does not believe in God but believes in Darwinian Evolution.

I told these students that I would pray for them. Would you join me in praying for these students...that God would reveal himself to them. Would you pray that their hearts would be open to the evidence of God's presence in their lives and that they would honestly consider the possibility of God being at work.

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