
Two very different Church Services

Today our group did church twice, both were very unifying and worshipful, but they were two very different experiences.

We started the morning off largely leading the service at Salem Baptist Church, which is the home church for the Going Up staff. Chris K. and Todd G. shared their testimonyies. A makeshift choir sang a couple of songs, with Andy playing the guitar. Lisa Hamer sang a solo with Andy playing the piano (didń't know he could play piano). Then Matt preached through Peep Saar. It was an enjoyable service.

Afterward we headed to a local Italian restaurant for calzones and coke. Then we packed up and headed to Kääriku, the site of the camp. The trip was short and the camp is located in the beautiful, hilly and forrested part of the country. The camp is located next to a lake and the snow began to fall as we arrived. There must be nearly a foot of snow on the ground out here. We set up for the camp and then had a planning, prayer and worship meeting. The leadership, both Estonian and American, shared a hunger for God to reveal himself and for the Holy Spirit to come in such a way that dead hearts would be awakened to the life giving power of the gospel. It was indeed a church service.

So tomorrow the campers will arrive. Most all of the kids coming will not be Christian at all. Pray that kids would not back out or find an excuse to come to camp tomorrow. Pray that we leaders would quickly bond with students and that our Small Group discussion times would be full of discussion and that the kids would open up to us quickly.

Picture Summary:
(1) The Northwest choir is singing at Salem Baptist. (2) Matt preaching on "Remembering" from 2 Peter 1. (3)Tiffany, Rachel, Todd and Amalee Vinalaas eating lunch after church. (4) The team gathers for a pre-camp meeting in Kääriku.


Anonymous said...

Hello Estonia Team-
Thanks to a much needed call from Christine, I now can go to your blog everyday to get updates on camp and how you guys are doing!! Excellent!! So sad that I cannot talk to Cory this week while you are at camp. But, I will certainly survive - prayer is an awesome escape! And Lani and I are joined at the hip!

Please give my love to my wonderful husband!

Also, please know that you are all in my prayers as camp begins tomorrow. I pray for the hearts of those kids - that they will be softened. I pray that God will stretch all of you and that you will allow yourselves to be vulnerable to do whatever it is He guides you to do. I'm SO excited for you all this week. This is it - the most important 4 days - an opportunity for you to really exhibit Christ's love and to be able to reach these lost souls.

All my love and prayers to you all. Please tell Cory I miss him terribly but that I am doing fine...still haven't felt the baby move, but heard the heartbeat...phew!

Take care of each other. Looking forward to your return next Sunday!!

Love and God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Please pass along a message to Cory...I just wanted him to know that I FINALLY felt the baby move tonight (Sunday night around 8:30pm). It was amazing!! And tell him I love him!


Anonymous said...

When it comes to food at the camp, I highly recommend the little "quickie-mart" located down the back hall from the main meeting room. Good ice-cream sandwiches.

Also - the frozen pizza and Eva "multinektar" are great midnight snacks in the "lobby" area of the hotel. Bring me back some Multinektar!

Anonymous said...

Just a quick hi to let you know that we are reading your updates and are praying, especially now as we suspect that you are bringing the most important message of the entire week at this very moment.

We're praying for tender hearts and that the students have been listening and thinking all week. And we're praying (of course!)that some will choose to make a decision for Christ today because of the seeds that have been planted all week.

We've also been praying for all of you, because we suspect that there have been many late nights (BOB - have you slept at all?) and that you might be fighting for strength and stamina. Actually, each night we specifically pray around 10 pm our time that you are ALL asleep over there (that's 5 am for you, but I know it's entirely probable that some of you are STILL awake from the day before).

Again, enjoy the rest of camp and your time in Estonia and know that God is really working not only in those kids but in your own lives as well. Give, give, give of yourselves out of what God has given to you, you will see the rewards!

Jen and DJ

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!
Just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know that we've been praying for you... especially today as Clay shares the Gospel. What an awesome opportunity!!

Enjoy this last night with the students and the late, late hours! And, Bob P., just to let you know... there's a piece of trash by my desk I need you to pick up :)

We miss you guys and will see you when you get back!

Brooke & Jamie