
A dose of common sense

My wife and I have a new category on our TiVo... Judge Judy. As pathetic as that sounds, just about every night after we put the kids down we settle in for 2 quick episodes of Judge Judy. She is a witty, no nonsense judge who tries these pathetic, yet real, cases in front of a national audience on TV. It leaves me wondering, where has all the common sense gone.

On every show Judge Judy is able to sniff out the lies and get to the truth. It seems that both plaintiff and defendant have twisted the truth a bit to help their side, and Judge Judy has nothing to do with it. In an uncanny manner, bolstered by 30 plus years in the criminal justice system, she is able to look right past the lies, feelings and motives and get to the objective story. You've got to see it sometime!

Check out the titles of two of her books... "Don't Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It's Raining" and "Beauty Fades, Dumb is Forever". Her web-site boasts that her message from the bench is... take responsibility for yourself, your actions and the children you've brought into the world. Her straightforward approach to life reminds me of the principles of Proverbs. I can only imagine Solomon smiling down on the witty truths with which Judge Judy goes about dispensing justice.

So last night, during our two episodes... I jotted down a few Judge Judy proverbs:

  1. If it doesn't make sense, it isn't true.
  2. Don't lend money to losers and expect to get it back.
  3. If you take money from someone in a time of need, IT IS NOT A GIFT, so pay them back.
Sometimes we all need a dose of common sense.

1 comment:

david said...

Hi Clay,

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Would just need your e-mail address. No strings attached.

Thanks for considering,

David Schrader - B&H Publishing Group