
I'm sore

Physically. I can't remember the last time I have been this sore. For the last 72 hours ibuprofen has been my friend. And I have the 2 guys in this picture to thank.

My buddy Bob, the tall one, invited to come up to his gym for a kick-boxing workout. I was truly excited about the chance to go into Bob's world and see where and how he spends a good portion of his life. So I can thank Bob for part of my soreness... he got me there.

Then there is Jason, the other shortish guy. He was the class instructor. He was the one that put me through 45 minutes of non-stop kicking, punching and calisthenics. And I can thank him for helping me to get my "money worth" out of the free class. Thanks Jason!

You know it is quite a humbling experience when you are physically pushed to a point where you have to stop and let your burning lungs suck in enough oxygen to keep you from passing out. And it is doubly humbling when you realize that the entire class could literally kick your butt, especially when half of the class is women. These were some tough girls.

And if I ever get in a street fight I want Bob and Jason on my side.

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