
Irresistibly Uncomfortable

ir•re•sist•i•ble - not resistible, enticing

Have you ever been around someone who was irresistible? You know the type of people that you just like being around. They may make you feel safe or valuable or necessary. Some people are just irresistible.

un•com•fort•a•ble - causing discomfort, uneasy

Have you ever been around someone who makes you uncomfortable? The type of person I’m thinking of is someone who is such a good person, that in comparison you feel like mud. When you are around them you feel like to need to clean up your act or your words. They make you uncomfortable with who you are… and without saying anything to you they make you want to change… to become better. I’ve been around those types.

I was reading John 4 today and I thought… Jesus was irresistibly uncomfortable. In the story, Jesus spends time with this woman whose life is a mess. She knows it. And all her neighbors know. And the story tells of their one-on-one conversation.

At the end the woman can’t get enough of Jesus. She is so enticed by who he is that she runs off to tell all her neighbors (who think that she is a sleaze… by the way). But what she tells them is how uncomfortable she was with him. He was so good, so loving, so righteous that she knew she needed to change. She got it… that Jesus is irresistibly uncomfortable. If you get caught up too much on either one of those words then you are missing a key part of Jesus.

When I encounter Jesus I find him irresistible. He is good and caring and bold and loving. I long to live that way with a clear conscience. At the same time I become quite uneasy with myself. I realize that things deep within who I am are not OK. The bible calls this sin. I live with it and know it and it makes me uneasy with Jesus. So my journey as a follower of Christ is to let Him change me from the inside out.

1 comment:

Walls Down Church Kids said...

Great...I love it! Irresisible uncomfortable...yes! I so agree.