
Did Jesus have elbows?

An odd question I know but strangely enough elbows are a hot topic around our house these days. At least with my 2 year old. Yeah, that's right he has an obsession with touching peoples elbows. You know when you straighten out your arm and there is that extra skin that you can pinch between your fingers...that is what he likes to do. We had "Movie Night" at the house the other night and as he is sitting next to me, eyes glued to the tube, he instinctly starts pinching my elbow skin. Last night in fact, he had an especially hard time falling asleep. He was screeming "MOMMYYYY!!!". This is not his usual ritual, so my wife went up to see what he needed. His response..."I need to touch your elbow." After a few pinches, he laid down and was in dreamland.

I'm not really sure how this applies to life, but I'm beginning to see how kids have a complete fascination and amazement with some of the most basic and mundane things. Maybe that is part of the reason Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

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