
Where has all the curiosity gone?

I was recently listening to an interview with noted historian, John Lukacs. He shared that sometime back in the 16th century the French word used to refer to historians was 'curior' or 'curious one.' Thus, those who sought to know where they came from and how thought, art, politics and culture developed were driven for such an understanding by an insatiable curiosity about such things.

Which leads me to look in the mirror and ask...Where are the curious ones? Where is such curiosity that would turn off a TV a read a classic book or bypass the local theme park and go on to the historic museum. Has curiosity about people and places and religion and language...died? Or is there a pent up curiosity still within us. A muscle that has atrophied from too many late nights of Seinfeld and Saturdays of MTV & ESPN.

Without such curiosity is possible to know God? Isn't there a holy search that we embark upon, driven by a life-and-death type of curiosity to find answers to the big questions of life? I a reminded of first commandment, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your MIND and with all your strength (Mark 12:30)." Might our curiosities be released so that we learn to love God with our minds. At the next commercial break maybe we should pick up a classic allegory. After the next movie maybe we should sit down with a systematic theology. At the next library maybe we should thumb through a good journal. Here's for feeding your curiosity.

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