
She is...

I reluctantly rolled out of bed at 5:30 am this morning. That is pretty early for a sleep-loving guy like me. Why was I up so early… you might ask… well that is same question the barista Starbucks asked, as he made my Grande Low-Fat Cinnamon Dolce sans Whip.

Simple answer. To help my wife. The barista was impressed. Yep, Christine has a small business and she had to be set-up for a show across town by 8am. She needed my bulging muscles to unload her car and help her set up. As I was scurrying around 270… I was thinking about how special she is. And what I landed on is that the very things that make her amazing (and frustrating at times) to me… are the very things make her a “bad” pastors wife. That may not make sense, so let me try to explain.

She is entrepreneurial: She is a doer not just a talker. She is a leader not just a follower. When someone tells her she can’t do something that sparks within a fire to prove them wrong. She has a state recognized sole-proprietor business, for goodness sake… nuff said.

She is passionate about more than my ministry: Just five minutes with Christine is enough to see her passionate approach to life. And a similar amount of time around our house is all you need to realize that I and my ministry are not the Sun around which our lives revolve.

She is opinionated: She is no wall-flower and even confesses that sometimes she likes to debate just for the fun of it. Now throw that into your traditional pastors wives potluck and you’ll understand why she isn’t invited to many traditional pastors’ wives potlucks.

She isn’t super-spiritual: This is the worst part. She doesn’t salt her answers with bible quotes or references. Her conversations are not split into “prayers” and “praises”. She hasn’t even led a ladies Bible study in my ministry… now you see my quandary. But because of this she keeps me grounded. I can tend to over-spiritualize things so we balance each other.

I love her even if she gets me up at 5:30 in the morning and even if she doesn’t wear the typical pastors wife flowered dress.


Walls Down Church Kids said...

I love when people break the mold and it sounds like she does! Good for her and good for you too!

clayburkle said...

she destroyed the mold. After reading "Captivating" by the Eldridges, I think she she is cut from the same mold as Staci Eldridge.

Anonymous said...

This post seems a little sad to me. As a Christian I feel it is the husband's role to be the spiritual leader in his household, and I would think this would especially apply to a Pastor who is to be a role model for others. Are you saying that you are not the leader of your household?

In the section where you say that your wife is passionate about more than your ministry, is she passionate about other wordly things or are they Christ centered things?

I think you pose a misconception of a stereotype that traditional pastors' wives are old women who wear flower dresses. Should the focus not be on how your wife supports your ministry and reaches out to others in warmth and love instead of debate?

You mentioned that her conversations are not split into "prayers" and "praises", but wouldn't she want others to pray for and praise her? Why would she not want to do that for others if she truly has a walk with God?

This is not a personal attack, just some food for thought.

God Bless!

clayburkle said...

Hey anonymous,
Thanks for stopping by and dropping some "food for thought." You definitely caught me... I am certainly trying to expose a myth of the "quiet, subserviant, life revolves around my husband and his church myth." I threw in the flowered dress for good effect.

I agree that man is designed as the head of the house, a picture of Christ being the head of the Church (Eph. 5:23). But that looks different in different relationships.

My wife is wise and loves God and has a keen sense of things that I miss. When I listen to her I make fewer mistakes.

I'm simply putting a little feet to Prov. 31:28 and am "rising up to call her blessed."