
Is he that into you?

I couldn’t sleep last night and at 1:30am was flipping through the 6 TV channels that I get on my TV. As I often do late at night I settled on the DayStar Network which is a Christian station and in my opinion is a mix of weirdo tele-evangelists sprinkled with a few normal people. Beth Moore (who is one of the normal ones) happened to be on. She was teaching to a room full of woman and just happened to read a couple of excerpts from the book He’s Just Not That into You.

Have you heard of this book? I can’t stop hearing about it. It is written in part by comedian and former “Sex in the City” writer Greg Behrendt. I’ve even seen him with his own Dr. Phil style show on GTN. The book has been highlighted on the Oprah Show, in the USA Today, and by John Stossel on ABC News.

I haven’t read the book and probably won’t but I did watch the Oprah episode with my wife. In it he advises single woman of the many devices that men use to string them along as “friends with benefits” or “booty calls” while leaving the women hoping for more. On the flip side he challenges woman to step up their own self-respect and not be strung along by such men, by facing the truth that the guy “is just not that into you.”

When I saw that Beth Moore was preaching the same message I just couldn’t hold back comment. To quote her exactly she said “I’m not recommending the book and I’m not not recommending the book.” I guess that’s the way Christians give props to non-Christians who come up with a good well to tell God’s truth.

If his book frees a woman from settling for one bad relationship after another and waiting for a man who will love her and lead her sacrificially…that sounds a lot like what Jesus would be for. The Bible even has some pretty darn good advice about relationships, like here, here and here. But I’m not recommending the book and I’m not not recommending it.

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