
Doing that Church Hop

Anyone recognize the photo? Clue: One of the coolest early '80s Christian music artists..... give up... Ray Boltz. Oh yeah... back in the early '80s Raybie was the shizz.

I saw him in concert at the "Kings Place" when I was in high school. It was shweet! I'm not talking the shaved head, goatee wearing, guitar playing Ray Boltz. I'm talking the perm sporting, mullet wearing, mustache grooving, old school Ray Boltz.

Well he had the cheesiest song called "Church Hop." I wore out the tape listening to that one. Here's a taste of the lyrics.

Some folks go where they get fed
They do
Some folks go where they feel led
Do you?
Some folks just can't
Make up their mind
Changing churches all the time
They want something hot
They want something new
They just can't find that perfect pew

Doing that church hop

Doing that church hop

Once you get started

You just can't stop

Don't you be doing that church hop

I know. You've copied the lyrics into your prayer journal. However cheesy the song... the issue of how to choose a church... or maybe when to leave a church.. is legit. A friend of mine, Josh Perry, recently posted on
reasons to leave a church and go to another one.

He is a church planter in Huntington, WV. He is going places. He is gifted. He loves the Lord. He is a leader. He has "it"... but gives God the all the glory for "it". He wants to reach non-Christian people.

And his problem is that people want to jump ship on their little church to ride his wake for the next season. So he has the fun job of scaring away people from polluting the gene pool. His post rises from his context... but the truths apply to us all. Good work Josh.


John DeMarco said...

In 1991 and 92 Ray Boltz songs dominated the theme at my summer camp. First it was "Watch the Lamp" where I cried my eyes out watching it set to a video. The following year's theme was "Shepherd Boy" which contained the lyrics, "when others see a Shepherd boy, God may see a king." That song made me feel like God could actually use me. It was wonderful. Ray Boltz had some game.

clayburkle said...

Whew John... you bring back memories. Ahh... the years of the Christian ballads...