

I went for a run today. It has been nearly 8 months since I've steadily run. I was training for the Columbus marathon last fall and was forced to quit once I got up to 16 miles because of "runners knee" (I know no guts, no glory).

I have felt way out of whack lately and one of the reasons is that I have not been exercising. So I got up today at 6:15 and went for 3 miles with a friend. I think my life is better when I exercise. It brings a balance to my life.

I have found that exercise is easier with others. If I did not have a friend waiting for me... I might have hit snooze.

Exercise helps me feel better. I tend to drink more water and eat less junk when I am in an exercise regimen.

Exercise helps me sleep better. I let off some stress and am more tired and thus sleep better.

Exercise helps me think better. My days tend to more organized and more productive. I feel like I accomplish more and I feel less like a slouch. Creative thoughts come easier and I become much more decisive.

And strangely enough when I exercise I am more spiritual. Weird isn't it. I think that taking care of my body helps me to connect with God and as I look back I tend to pray more and read the Bible more when I am in a season of good health.

In general my physical laziness is directly proportional to spiritual laziness. So I think that if my boss would buy me a gym pass or have staff meetings in the weight room that I would be a better pastor.

1 comment:

Josh Perry said...

Great post Clayton. I agree with that 100%. Running is good for the soul.