
For Men... By Men

What happens to a man who does a complete 180? When his life is going hard in one direction and then he meets Jesus and he realizes that all the things he's been pursuing are destroying him... so he turns around and runs the other way?

Some friends of mine have put a blog together at ac180.com to answer that question. It is a blog for men... by men.

The project is an attempt to speak to men with a new voice. On one hand one that is not stripped of its masculinity and forced to always "play nice" and "give hugs". But on the other hand a life that reflects a radical change in identity that reflects new strength and new purpose springing from a new life.

Check it out... leave a comment... and pass it on to the men in your life.


Anonymous said...

Awesome deal, thanks for sharing, I have sent it to the "inner-circle" LOL Hope all is well! Keep up the good work-
Sean W

clayburkle said...

Sean W,
This site is for guys like you. You'll have to drops some comments on ac180... Who knows. One day you might be a contributor.