
Gone Fishin'

On Friday I took Caden fishing. It was a new thing for me. I was reminiscing with my Dad recently about the fact that we went fishing twice while I was growing up.

So I didn't really know what I was doing. The night before we went out and bought our pole and basic tackle box... plus our first official fishing license. But I still had no idea what I was doing.

But my buddy Ted, came to rescue. He is Mr. Fisherman. So he showed me the ropes and let me save face with my son... so I looked like the fishing hero.

We caught one fish on our first trip. But I still let Ted take it off the hook. I'm calling our first fishing 'expedition' a grand success. It was a chance to get away... and do something special... together. Maybe one day, I'll figure out what I'm doing. Maybe one day, we'll catch a boatload of fish.

But all I really care about is doing something... with my boys... together. Maybe one day, we'll talk about girls... while fishing. Maybe one day, we'll talk about jobs... while fishing. Maybe one day, we'll talk about Jesus... while fishing. But I'm not waiting... for one day. I'm investing days now.

But this fishing thing might be a flash in the pan... so let me ask my readers... what is that special thing that you used to do with your Dad?


John DeMarco said...

Clay, I can't tell you how stink'n awesome I think you are.

You took the bull by the horns and made a father son experience happen. Bravo.

Plus you got me excited because I'm going to be doing the same thing in the next couple of weeks. I'll be taking my five year old fishing for the first time. We still need to buy the pole, get the lisence, etc, and I'm not quite sure what exactly to do. But we're going to make it happen baby!

Your poll ratings for father of the year are increasing.

clayburkle said...

I need more friends like you around. You guys will have a blast. We did all our shopping at Walmart (including the license).

If you are fortunate enough to have a friend who knows what he's doing... that could make the experience a little less frantic (especially for dad).

John DeMarco said...

Oh Yeah, I forgot to say what I used to do with my father. Before my parents divorced, I can remember my biological father taking me with him to look at cars. I absolutely loved it. That memory still holds a special place in my heart.

P.S. Thanks for the tip about Walmart.

Walls Down Church Kids said...

Growing up with an abusive father and having my 3 boys growing up with a father who abandoned them, huge kudos to you for stepping up to the plate! I admire men who are dads!! also, one of the best things I've found as a parent is 1:1 time with each of my guys...whether it's biking, kayaking, going to breakfast...whatever it is, it is time never to be missed!!

Great, awesome, cool, sweet---keep it up!!!