
The Great Mate Debate

So what do Greg Behrendt (former writer for "Sex in the City" and author of "He's Just Not That into You") and Ed Young (Christian pastor in Dallas, TX) have in common? They both blog for chemistry.com... check it out.

The site was spawned by match.com and features 5 "experts" on relationships in America. It should be interesting to see how a Christian voice fares on the hot topics of choice. Here are two of their current topics: Great chemistry—except in bed. Should you give up? and What's with all these celebrity couples having kids out of wedlock?

Each writer (like us all) writes from some basic presuppositions about men, women, God and the purpose of relationships. I'm thinking no matter how similar an answer might be that Ed is writing from the left-field bleachers. Don't get lonely out in left, Ed.

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