
Life is a Roller Coaster

There is no two ways around it... life is full of ups and downs. That is just the way our 70 years in the world are designed. From dates... to jobs... to deaths... to births... to accidents... to illness... to rejections... to mistakes...

One moment you are on the top of the hill and the next you are at the bottom of the valley. And from my experience... those extremes often follow closely after one another.

When it comes to the roller coaster of life... I think there are two kinds of people in the world... the hands-on-the-bar type and the hands-in-the-air-type.

The hands-on-the-bar type hate the ride because they aren't in control. So they white-knuckle it and grit their teeth through every hill and valley. They don't trust the track or the car because they don't feel in control. And when the ride is over and they step off the car they sigh in relief as they regain a sense of control.

A good bible example is Jacob (Gen. 25-35). He was a crooked guy. He was constantly trying to take advantage of someone else and control the situation for his benefit. He tricked his brother twice (Gen 25,27)... he deceives his dying father (27)... he deceives his father-in-law (30)... he lies again to his brother (33). His life is a Big Brother episode... where he is scheming and scamming others for his own benefit. He experienced the ups and downs... but was always struggling to gain control.

The hands-in-the-air type enjoy the ride because they aren't in control. They lift their hands boldly to the sky and let the car and track do its work. They trust the structure realizing that no amount of bar holding will change the ups and downs of life. And when the ride is over and they step off the car they breathe a sigh of excitement and get back in line.

A good bible example is Joseph (Gen. 37-50), Jacob's son. Joseph is the only really good guy in Genesis. He is the only guy who never stumbles and who always does what is right in the eyes of the Lord. From running from sexual immorality (39)... to being bushwhacked by his brothers (37)... rising to power (39)... to falling from power (39)... and to once again facing his traitor brothers (43-46). In each situation he obeys God and leaves the results to God.

I want to enjoy the ride and let God control the ups and downs.

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