
I'm off to Raleigh

I'm off to Raleigh, NC for a set of morning interviews on Friday from 8-noon.

I sure would love to land a job and get out of this unemployment thing. The idea of supporting my family financially seems so manly.

Prayer warriors... unite!


Derek said...


Pastor Kurt said...

If your in Raleigh for the weekend, check out Vintage 121.

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for ya bro.

Betsy said...

Clay, Betsy Mincey here; miss your smiling face and am praying for the Burkle clan.
In Christ, Betsy

clayburkle said...

Friends... thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement. Since in one sense I have no where to lay my head... you are my church these days.

Betsy- Thanks for stopping by. Not seeing great friends like you is the toughest part.

Kurt- Thanks for the ref. If I was in Raleigh for the weekend. I would have been at Vintage in a heartbeat. But, it was just a one day trip.