
So(u)l music for kids

Allow me to introduce you to the music of Jamie Soles... this is no joke...

I know they look like a home-schooled version of the partridge family... but don't let that scare you... just yet.

I first heard of Jamie from my friends at St. Anne's Public House. I love the pub... they make me think... and do it for free.

Jamie is a reformed brother from North of the border and father if 8. He writes and performs Christian children's music that is in a category all it's own... it is stuffed with Scripture and is thoroughly theological.

In addition he is keeping a blog... and here are a few of my favorite posts:

How do you DO that? : On the virtues of elders and alcohol and how they are best enjoyed together.

Harry Potter: On the delightfulness of the writings of J.K. Rowlings and how they are possibly the best Christian literature written in the past 60 years.

Rock On!

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